Kaidou unleashes brutal attacks against Yamato as he mocks his son for walking alone, though Yamato disputes this, saying that he has found friends in Ace, the samurai in the cave, and everyone else who has helped him over the past two decades. Meanwhile, Luffy tries to get Momonosuke to shake off his fear of heights and fly to Onigashima. Momonosuke takes to the air, but his fear causes him to crash into the Skull Dome and go on a path of destruction in Kaidou’s fortress, leaving everyone in great shock. Eventually, however, Momonosuke and Luffy reach the roof, and Luffy and Yamato hit Kaidou with powerful attacks at the same time. Kaidou is immediately taken with Momonosuke, who proudly proclaims who he is despite his fear, and the Emperor activates his own dragon form when confronted by Momonosuke and Luffy.
Luffy tries to get Momonosuke to start flying, but since he’s still a child mentally, he hesitates due to his fear of heights, earning some insults from Luffy since he’s technically an adult. All the while, Shinobu and the Heart Pirates watch this rather awkward exchange between the two of them.
At the top of the Skull Dome, Kaido and Yamato finish their showdown, with Yamato revealing that he covered himself in some type of glass to protect himself. He then leaps into the air and attacks Kaida with Himorogiri, knocking his head into the ground. As he gets up, Kaidou tells him that the way Yamato is defying him almost suggests that he is from Wano, but shouts that no matter what he does, everyone will recognize him as his child and the samurai will never accept him. Yamato retorts that the statement has nothing to do with anything, but Kaidou says that he’s spent his life crawling around the island hoping to escape because he’s alone. Yamato yells that he’s not alone because he had friends (remembering Ace). Kaidou replies that it’s true because he had the samurai, but everyone who ever showed him compassion is now dead. Yamato recalls how one of Kaido’s subordinates gave him blankets and food, but was later executed for it. Kaido then threw him to the ground and told him that the acts of kindness he received were fake and that deep down everyone was afraid of him. Besides telling him that he must use the power he has to subdue others because he is the offspring of a monster that makes him unable to be friends with others: that is his fate.
Luffy finally gets Momonosuke to start flying and immediately heads towards Onigashima, specifically the roof. Unfortunately, Luffy learns that Momonosuke is flying with his eyes closed, causing him to accidentally crash into the Live Floor, shocking everyone present with his appearance. When Momonosuke lost complete control, he started flying everywhere and tearing up the castle, even breaking through the second floor, surprising Kid, Law, and Big Mom. They finally reach the third floor as the Beast Pirates scream in confusion at the presence of the second dragon.
Eventually, the two make it to the top of the Skull Dome, just as Yamato, reverted back to normal, attacks Kaida with the Shinsoku Hakujaku. At the same time, Momonosuke begins to land as Luffy transitions into Gear Fourth: Snakeman and hits Kaido with Gomu Gomu no Jet Culverin. Both attacks end up hitting Kaidou as Luffy and Yamato greet each other, with Luffy thanking Yamato for keeping Kaidou busy. Kaidou recovers and transforms into his dragon form, asking how Luffy is still alive and who the new dragon is. Luffy yells at Kaidou that he won’t die because he will be the Pirate King when Momonosuke introduces himself, surprising everyone when Kaidou tells Momonosuke that the world doesn’t need another dragon.