Demonstrating their Awakened Devil Fruit abilities, Law and Kid make their first successful attack against Big Mom. However, in retaliation, Big Mom takes a year of her life to gain strength and size.
As Momonosuke attempts to create the flame clouds needed to stop Onigashima, Yamato runs to the armory to secure the explosives. However, at Orochi’s command, Kanjur’s fire monster also heads to the armory to ignite the explosives and destroy the island. Yamato gets to the armory first and heads for the door.
Meanwhile, Law and Kid continue to fight Big Mom, but their attacks are in vain because of her friends. So they decide to make an “ace card”: their awakened powers. After the castle is devastated by Big Mom’s Ikoku, Law awakens his powers, which allow him to cover objects with SPOT. She draws her sword and puts it into Big Mom’s throat and unleashes Shock Wille, electrocuting her. Kid uses his awakened powers, allowing him to create magnetic objects. Makes Big Mom magnetic, causing objects including Napoleon to fly towards her. He then magnetizes the castle pillars, hitting and crushing her.
Although Big Mom was ultimately damaged for the first time in the battle, she survived the entire attack, now enraged. Using Soul Pocus, he steals the lives of soldiers and uses souls to create comrades. He then consumes an entire year of his own life, causing him to grow to gigantic size.