Charlotte Perospero was able to overcome the waterfall with candy and heads to Onigashima, disapproving of the alliance between the Big Mom Pirates and the Beasts Pirates. On Onigashima, Prometheus calls Big Mom back to the brothel and she makes some homies while chasing after Nami, Carrot, and Shinobu.
While Orochi has Momonosuke crucified and Zoro and Kid continue to fight the Beasts Pirates, Luffy confronts Ulti and Page One. Ulti grabs Luffy in her Ryu Ryu no Mi, Model: Pachycephalosaurus transformation and prepares to attack him, but is suddenly attacked by Yamato, who grabs Luffy and runs away, revealing that he was waiting for the pirate to arrive.
At the rising carp waterfall at Wano Country, Charlotte Perospero is seen riding another sweet slug with her powers and is separated from the rest of her siblings. He sees Onigashi from a distance and proceeds to get there himself. He also reveals that he doesn’t approve of this Big Mom Pirates/Beasts Pirates alliance, saying that the Big Mom Pirates will be left standing at the end of the day.
At the Black Maria brothel, Usopp and Chopper finally escape Big Mom, but only because she chooses to chase Nami instead so she can get Zeus back. Chopper asks Usopp what they’re going to do, but all he can say is that they’re in the clear now. He also noticed that when Big Mom hit them, the Brachio Tank V activated General Franky’s robot leg parts, which they use to keep going. Chopper says that they were able to help Kin’emon in the end, and Usopp adds that Nami and her group will come up with a solution to their problem, especially with Sanji with them. Chopper then reminds him that Sanji is in a brothel, which will no doubt cause complications.
At the brothel, Carrot, Nami, Zeus, and Shinobu run away from Big Mom when Prometheus follows them and calls out to her. Zeus asks what they will do, and Nami says that she saw Sanji earlier, though she gets very upset when she learns from Carrot that he came to the brothel for prostitutes, claiming that he wouldn’t leave them behind. Big Mom will also start creating Homies with her abilities as she follows them.
In the Skull Dome, Kurozumi Orochi had Momonosuke crucified for all the beast pirates to see. At the same time, Zoro is fighting several Gifters and showing signs of exhaustion. They point out the futility of this fight and that he should swear loyalty to Kaidou instead. They revealed that they were all trying to be the pirate king themselves, but it would be better if he just gave up. At Kid and Killer’s place, Killer reminds his captain how crazy it is to break through the front lines, but Kid says they’ll be fine as long as Heat’s group that got separated from them is found. Before the Beasts Pirates can fight him, they are interrupted when they discover that Kaidou is looking for his son, allowing Kid to strike back.
Ulti clings to the first page in Luffy’s place and worriedly asks him if he’s okay, much to his annoyance. She angrily yells at Luffy for hurting him only for Luffy to remind her that she was riding him down the stairs like a sled when he saw them. Ulti questions what group she is from before her subordinates reveal that she is an intruder. Luffy confirms this by introducing himself and saying that he will become the Pirate King. The Beasts pirates laugh at this claim considering their location, and Ulti leaps into the air and prepares her head, shouting that the only one who will be the Pirate King is Kaido. He unleashes an Ul-Zugan on Luffy’s head, which he compares to his own. The collision causes an explosion that blows several pirates away as they comment on how Ulti’s stock is so powerful it’s like a cannon shot and that it must have crushed Luffy’s skull to pieces with the hole it made in the ground.
However, to their surprise, both Ulti and Page One transform into their dinosaur-hybrid forms as Ulti is revealed to have eaten the Ryu Ryu no Mi, Model: Pachycephalosaurus. Their subordinates ask why they did this, and Ulti replies that it’s because they recognize his skills. Her subordinates insist that she got it, but she retorts that she can sense powerful Haki. Sure enough, Luffy gets out of the wreckage while acknowledging Ulti’s power and reminding himself to be careful. He attacks Ulta and grabs her by the horns before slamming her into the ground. Page One charges at Luffy, but dodges him and gets under him as he uses his Gomu Gomu no Elephant Gun to smash his head into the ceiling. Ulti transforms into a full Pachycephalosaurus and grabs Luffy while the other pirates fear that the fortress will not survive the confrontation. Ulti prepares another header while Luffy tries to switch to Gear 4, but suddenly senses someone coming and immediately the new person knocks Ulti out using the same move Kaidou used to defeat Luffy before: Raimei Hakke.
The pirates recognize the man as Yamato when they try to capture him for Kaido. Yamato questions if Luffy is who he thinks he is. As he confirms this, Yamato grabs him and runs away from the pirates who are chasing him. Yamato tells Luffy that he won’t hurt him and Luffy believes him because he didn’t sense any bad intentions before. Luffy explains that he has to move, but Yamato says that he was waiting for him. He introduces himself as Kaidou’s son, which shocks Luffy.