The Queen gives the Beasts Pirates permission to kill Luffy, Zoro, Kid, and Killer, and they are forced to flee before their onslaught, joined by Hatcha from the numbers. Meanwhile, part of Kin’emon’s group splits off to infiltrate Kaido’s fortress in order to help surround Kaido as well as rescue Momonosuke. Elsewhere, the Big Mom Pirates once again attempt to conquer the waterfall around Wano to find out why Big Mom and Kaidou are in an alliance. However, they are knocked off by Marco, who is approaching Wano with Nekomamushi and Iza.
A Kid attack is seen with Apoo under and he is beaten. The Beasts Pirates call Apoo and one of them recognizes Kid and says he is not one of them. They are surprised to find that another member of the ‘Worst Generation’ has escaped from Udon Prison and as such, Queen is surprised as she remembers from Babanuki’s words that there was no problem in Udon. Kid then screams and grabs Apoo by the collar, enraged at being tricked by him, and Apoo retorts that pirate alliances don’t have happy endings and that he never believed they could defeat one of the four emperors anyway. He then attacks Kid with his Devil Fruit ability and Kid sneers and says he’s trash. The Beasts Pirates then ask how they can defeat and take Kid and the others alive during this situation, then Queen says it’s okay to kill them. As the Pirate Beasts prepare to attack Kid, Killer defends from behind and Haccha, one of the Numbers, continues to rampage around the place. Another pirate pointed out that he had already taken out two people. Kid is surprised to see how gigantic the Number is and how the Beast Pirates “cannot control” him. Hachcha laughs heartily and the rampage continues, with Luffy’s silhouette attacking. Luffy tells Kid to get to the fortress and Kid continues. Luffy yells at Kid for causing trouble, Zoro then says he’s the one to talk, while Kid says the same to him. Killer laughingly thinks the other three are ridiculous. Apoo attacks once more, but this time Killer tells the others to cover their ears. Apoo clicks his tongue when he realizes that his powers did nothing thanks to Killer’s quick thinking. He explains that Apo’s powers only work when they can hear him, only to get a ‘what’ from Luffy, Zoro and his captain.
Meanwhile, the Beasts Pirates exclaim that there are a lot of worst generation members in Onigashima and that they should start killing each other. Another adds that Killer ate SMILE and therefore made him ‘Pleasure’. An angry Kid almost starts another fight, but Luffy and the others stop him.
As Who’s-Who notices the refugees from Udon, the senior members of the Beasts Pirates talk about chasing them all out, but he retorts that they should go find Kaidou’s son, Yamato, instead. He tells them that getting to Yamato is more important and they shouldn’t let Sasaki beat him. Who’s Who then goes on to find out that Queen wanted to ‘erase someone’ and says that she does too.
Big Mom gets ready, wearing a kimono, and says that her kids must be there soon enough, and that their ship apparently didn’t take any fall damage when King knocked them over the waterfall. She is then questioned by someone who says that strangely no ship was seen near the harbor. Only to get a confused reaction from her.
Meanwhile, on the east side of Onigashima, Kin’emon is leading the charge. But instead of all going to the same place, they split into two groups. The first half will breach the castle from the dome while waiting, and if successful, Kaidou and Orochi will also be surrounded from behind. Heading for the back entrance, Kin’emon’s group continues. However, because they have outdated maps, their route looks different. Now with the big bridge in the way, in view of the brothel, the domain of Black Maria, a member of Tobiroppo. Sanji decides to enter it. But Kin’emon is worried that his group cannot cross him, as their large numbers would arouse suspicion from within. Nami says that they are going in as well and Shinobu that they will form a group to search for Momonosuke since Kin’emon remembers that Momonosuke mentioned that he wanted to escape alone. With that, Nami smiles and reassures him that he should leave it to them, while Carrot says that he should focus on the battle instead and pats him down. After Kin’emon thanks them for their support, someone comes out of the brothel and it’s actually Sanji. He has an exhausted expression and Kin’emon assumes that he couldn’t find the women and that the building is empty and that the group can safely cross the bridge without risk of being caught.
The attack continues. But Big Mom, who was changing in her room next to the brothel, notices the commotion outside and peeks in. Kin’emon and the others dive into the water, leaving her with nothing to look at except Chopper, who she shared eye contact with.
At the waterfall at the entrance to Wana, Big Mama’s children are climbing the water surface. They question Big Mom’s judgment about agreeing to ally with the Beasts Pirates – in which Smoothie replies that she made that decision and she respects it. Daifuku echoes then tells them not to forget why they were there in the first place; Mont-d’Or and Galette remember – to take the Straw Hats’ heads and make them pay for ruining their reputations. They then decide to go after the Straw Hats first and only meet Big Mom and Kaida later. While Flampe continues with his personal goal: to make Kaida like her. They are almost at the top again when Perospero remembers that they are in the same place where King attacked them earlier. Another “bird” is seen from the sky and they think it’s him again, but it’s not. Perospero shows a shocked expression when he recognizes who the “bird” is; Marco, the Phoenix, commenting on how the rumors of an alliance between the Beasts and Big Mom Pirates are indeed true. Concerned members of the latter panic when the former commander of the first division of the Whitebeard Pirates knocks their ship off a waterfall.
Nekomamushi notices the ship falling, then wonders what’s going on. A sly smile from Izou appears, pointing out that it’s been a while since Marco has moved.