As the Nine Red Sheaths except for Kin’emon and Denjiro sail to the back of Onigashima on the Polar Tang, the rest of the Ninja-Pirate-Nink-Samurai Alliance disembarks at the front. Kin’emon creates Beasts Pirates disguises to dress up the alliance, and the Samurai sink their ships to avoid being spotted.
Meanwhile, Kaida and Orochi’s Golden Kagura party is in full swing inside the former fortress, and Tobiroppo, consisting of X Drake, Ulti, Page One, Who’s-Who, Black Maria, and Sasaki, gather to wait to meet Kaida.
Inside, Polar Tang Law proceeds to take the Nine Red Sheaths to the back entrance while the others make their way to Onigashima from the front, with Kin’emon and Denjiro leading the samurai. Denjiro says they should be careful in case they get attacked, and Kin’emon asks if he’s underestimating them all. Denjiro replies that if they fail, the last 20 years would be in vain, but Kin’emon says he will make sure it all ends soon. As they all reach the entrance, Kin’emon spots the enemy party outside the windows and, realizing they are not expecting their attack, wonders if Kanjuro has filed his report. Still, he declares that they should attack now. Sanji says that Kaidou’s headquarters is under Onigashima and they should be careful if they are spotted.
Usopp notices a couple of guards who, though slapped, can see the ships and takes them out using Midori Boshi: Nemuri So to knock them out. Jinbe says he understands most of the plan, but if he enters an open area with so many ships, he will alert the enemy. However, the Straw Hats are surprised to see the ships that the samurai arrived on begin to sink. Luffy asks what’s going on and Kin’emon replies that the samurai won’t need them to come back. This worries Usopp and Chopper about the Thousand Sunny and Jinbe says he will hide the ship while they land on the island. As Brook comments on the determination of the samurai, Kin’emon shouts that they cannot waver because whether they live or die, at least they had the strength to face Kaidou.
Chopper then notices several animal pirates appear across the bridge, but Robin reveals at the end of the bridge that all the samurai are wearing pirate animal outfits. Kid, Killer and their crew are surprised that they are also wearing these outfits. Kin’emon reveals that his powers make everyone look like an animal pirate and reminds them that they are still outnumbered and everyone should make good use of the given camouflage. He also says that they revert to their previous clothes once they take off their costumes or the clothes are destroyed, so they should avoid confrontation as much as possible until they reach the castle.
Inside Onigashima, the Beast Pirates continue to celebrate as Queen dances around and asks if he should look skinny. He yells at the Waiters, Pleasures, Gifters, and Shinuchi. He then yells at Tobiropp, but they don’t respond to him, so he continues with the Children of Numbers, Oniwabanshu, and Big Mom.
One of the Tobiroppos, Ulti, says that Queen would be better off dead because he called them pranksters when they didn’t respond to his challenge. Page One tells her to think about fashion instead and the two argue. Who’s-who asks who would replace Queen if she died. Black Maria asks X Drake if it would be him, but he refuses. Sasaki says he’d be grateful if he did because it would also apply to Page One, which irritates him. Ulti yells at Sasaki, telling him to stop messing around or she’ll kill him herself, and Page One tells her to shut up. Who’s-who tells them to be quiet and Black Maria says she likes that Ulti never backs down when challenged. Drake questions why all six were summoned together, and Sasaki says that it was an important request from Kaidou, though he believes the outcome is easy to see. Ulti asks if this is a family matter and if Kaidou is stupid, to the shock of the other five who tell her to shut up.