Oden was stopped by Kurozumi Semimaru from killing Orochi, and his actions resulted in Orochi’s allies attacking the citizens outside. So Oden began to dance naked in the capital of flowers for five years. After a year, he received news of Roger’s execution. 20 years ago today, he learns that Kaidou captured Hyogoro on Orochi’s orders and killed the Yakuza boss’s wife and 16 of his men. This spurred Oden into action and he and his charges set out to defeat Kaidou.
Despite remembering Toki’s warning of a potential enemy counterattack, an enraged Oden prepares to finally defeat Orochi as he cowers in fear. However, a barrier suddenly appears to protect the shogun from the fatal blow, much to Oden’s confusion. After more failed attempts to attack Orochi and understand the barrier, Oden yells at Orochi to come out. The older man who watched and played Biwa – Kurozumi Semimaru – assures Orochi that he has nothing to worry about as he is protected by the “Barrier Art”. Semimaru tells Oden that his power means nothing in this case, which is then confirmed by Kurozumi Higurashi. Higurashi goes on to taunt Oden about his time as a pirate and how he had to experience Devil Fruits at one point. Orochi becomes insolent after realizing that Oden cannot harm him, and assures the samurai that if his rule was a problem that could be solved with anger and violence, the Daimyos would have dealt with him by now. Supporters excited for Oden’s return begin to gather outside and cheer as he ascends to the Shogun’s residence as the rightful heir of the Kozuki clan. Oden reveals that he heard of his father designating Orochi as his deputy, though only until his return, and demands that Orochi relinquish the title. However, Orochi reveals that the order never actually came from his father when Higurashi demonstrates her Mane Mane no Mi abilities by transforming into a Sukiyaki. Orochi grows bolder as he reveals how this deception has spread to Wano as a whole and not just the Daimyos, so he really isn’t obligated to cede his authority to Oden. This enrages Oden even more and demands to know what really happened to his father. As the excited crowd outside continued to cheer for the Kozuki clan’s return to power, the crowd was suddenly pierced by poison arrows. Two victims immediately started coughing up blood and lost their sight. As the citizens flee to the safety of their homes, Kaidou appears above the flower capital. Through a crack in the ceiling, Shinobu overhears a conversation between Oden and Orochi.
After a few hours, Oden is suddenly seen stripped down to a loincloth, dancing like a madman and begging for money all over the Flower Capital. Kaidou and Orochi’s subordinates all laugh at him, as do Orochi, Semimaru, and Higurashi. Oden served the people of Wan as the last beacon of hope for freedom from a cruel tyrant, but their hopes quickly turned to disappointment and anger when they saw him like this. Oden appeared weekly in the Flower Capital outside the castle to dance and beg for money, much to the disdain of the townspeople. Knowing there was something he wasn’t telling them, his servants tried to draw out the truth. However, Oden coolly dismissed their inquiries and simply stated that his job was to dance and ask for money. Word of Oden’s antics in the capital eventually reached Kuri as well, resulting in him being openly mocked everywhere he went. Children threw things at him, parents warned their children not to be like him, and other samurai criticized him for choosing to be Orochi’s dog instead of committing seppuku.
A year after this (24 years before the present), Oden received news that Roger had been executed. With the world spreading about Roger’s exploits and the appeal of One Piece, a new great era of piracy has begun. Oden laughed and cried repeatedly as he ran up and down Kuri Beach praising Roger for the life he lived.
Two years after Oden’s return, a war broke out in the Ring between the Beasts pirates and the forces of Gecko Moria. Ryuma’s grave was also ransacked during this time. Oden continued to dance during this period and all his companions were considered fools. This included his family, which made Oden ask Toki if she wanted to divorce him. She denies, wondering if he was trying to upset her. His charges don’t seem to mind, Kawamatsu, Nekomamushi and Kiku laugh that they’ve known his naked dance for a while. Yasuie also mocks him, even though he was even a Daimyo on the same level as before Oden. Oden eventually goes to visit Hyogoro, although he is insulted by one of his guards when he arrives. Hyogoro’s wife immediately reprimands the guard for this as she and her husband have tea with Oden. The Yakuza boss reveals that Orochi was trying to get him to work for him, prompting Oden to warn him to stay out of harm’s way. His wife remarks how Oden’s dancing has greatly improved, which the samurai playfully denies.
Three more years of the Oden Dance in the capital pass, and after the fifth year since Oden’s return to Wano, Orochi visits the Kuri region. He declares that he would like to build several weapons factories in Kuri and wants Oden’s help as he presses his sandal into Oden’s bowing face. Oden begins to ask about something related to the ships and Kaida that could prevent this, but when Orochi replies that he has no idea what he’s talking about, Oden is visibly upset. Orochi states that Wano will be the weapon maker, and since he is unable to control Hyogoro, he hands him over to Kaidou. He explains how Hyogoro’s wife didn’t stop clinging to him and how she was shot on the spot. He then proceeds to make a cruel joke about thinking that a female Yakuza would be easier to control. It was revealed that “Hyogoro The Flower” had been captured and that when his followers tried to fight back, a total of sixteen were killed. Oden begins to sob uncontrollably at this, as the suspicions of his family and servants that he has been carrying a heavy burden all this time are finally confirmed. Much to the delight of his vassals, Oden announces that the time has finally come to take down Kaidou.
As the sun sets, the citizens mutter amongst themselves as they watch Oden and his nine guards begin their march on Kaido. The bright red sun in the background seemed to shine down on them like fire that spread to their katanas. Because of this and their fierce loyalty, they became known as the “Nine Red Scabbards” from that day forward.