After earning the title of Pirate King, Gol D. Roger decided to disband his crew. Roger was the first to leave and the rest of the crew returned Kozuki Oden to Wano Country.
Oden was reunited with his family and servants. The servants then told Oden that Kurozumi Orochi had become the Shogun and how he was oppressing the citizens with the help of Kaidou. After hearing about how his family was threatened, Oden attacked the Flower Capital and confronted Orochi.
After returning from Laugh Tale, Shanks and Buggy reunited with the rest of the Roger Pirates. Shanks asked something about Roger’s last trip and broke into tears after hearing Roger’s answer. Roger et al. then he learned that the world was in an uproar after the birth of the pirate king, “Gold Roger”. Roger is upset that the World Government is hiding his true name, Gol D. Roger, but he understands the reason behind the plot given everything they learned in Laughter. The whole world referred to everything Roger acquired as “One Piece”.
Sometime after this, Roger gathered all his crew members to show them his gratitude and told them that the Roger Pirates were disbanded. A flashback is then shown during the crew’s trip to Fish-Man Island, where both Roger and Oden overhear the two sea kings discussing the birth of their queen, who will be born in 10 years and will need another 15 years to grow. Roger asked Shyarly about the birth of the mermaid princess and learned that she would be born in 10 years. Roger predicts that someone will be born to surpass them because they are too early to find the One Piece. He told Rayleigh that his child would find the One Piece, but the First Officer pointed out that Roger did not have a child, to which Roger replied that he would eventually. Roger orders the crew to sail somewhere where the marines aren’t waiting, saying he’ll be the first to leave Oro Jackson.
Intending to meet Edward Newgate one last time before he dies, Roger asks Oden about Iza. Oden says that Izou is already very comfortable on Whitebeard’s ship and asks Roger to give a message to Izou to take care of him. After arriving at the island, Roger said something to Rayleigh and then finally got off the ship with a package of medicine from Crocus as his illness was in its final stages. The crew bid him farewell in a waterfall of tears, although Oden claimed in his journals that she did not shed a single tear.
Their next destination is Wano Country, where the crew dropped off Oden. Oden said he would open his country’s borders before Joy Boy showed up. The crew parted with Oden again in a shower of tears, although Oden claimed they parted with smiles.
Finally reunited with his family and his charges, Oden is surprised by the warm welcome he receives from the citizens of Kuri, expecting criticism instead. His charges explain how Toki has helped the citizens and she and their children are the most popular people in the entire country, and that people don’t talk about Oden’s past actions, for which he thanks Toki.
Oden then tells Kikunoj about Izou, who he already knows about. Oden asks where Ashura and Denjiro are and learns that Ashura is keeping the Yakuza and bandits in Kuri under control while Denjiro goes around Wano borrowing money.
The scabbards then tell Oden about everything that happened in Wano during his absence, including the death of his father and Orochi’s atrocities on the citizens, as well as his alliance with Kaida. Toki tries to stop them from talking. However, at Oden’s insistence, Kin’emon explains that while he and some of his minions went to the Flower Capital to confront Orochi, beast pirates attacked Oden’s castle and tried to kill Momonosuke, but the attackers were driven off by Kawamatsu and Inuarashi. . However, Toki was hit by the initial arrow and received a permanent scar on her leg. Oden thanks Toki and despite all the pleas angrily storms out of Kuri with his swords.
The citizens of the Flower Capital are happy to see Oden back to take over as Shogun. Oden defeats Orochi’s guards and finally prepares to kill him.