The flower capital is on lockdown and some prominent members of the alliance become wanted criminals. While hidden on the roof, Shinobu tells Sanji more about the Fire Festival. It is revealed that Hawkins released Bepo, Shachi and Penguin in exchange for Law’s capture. In Ebisu City, the Heart Pirates gave Yasuie’s message to Nami. Kanjuro plans to give Yasui a funeral while Ashura Doji shows Kin’emon and Inuarashi ships they can use.
In Onigashima, Linlin asks King to join her crew, but King refuses. Kaido arrives and orders his subordinates to free Linlin. They then started their fight.
In the Flower Capital, Orochi is angered to hear that his attackers escaped despite the presence of Fukurokuju and the Orochi Oniwabanshu. Fukurokuju apologizes, but reveals that they have successfully captured Law, which he says will cause the pirate alliance to fight each other. Fukurokuju then states that their samurai force, the Mimawarigumi, and other ninja are patrolling the streets vigilantly looking for criminals, and the official puts up wanted posters stating that anyone who tries to help them or does not attempt to capture them will be arrested immediately. .
Sanji and Shinobu are sitting on the roof and Shinobu says that while they wouldn’t escape danger by leaving the Flower Capital, they have accomplished their main mission here by finding people with crescent moon symbols on their ankles. Even though Yasuie’s trick did not result in them being released from prison, Sanji and Shinobu are still intent on breaking them at any cost, and unbeknownst to them, the guards believe that the prisoners are innocent and Orochi is delusional, even though they are too much. afraid to publicly challenge the shogun. Sanji then notices some people making lanterns from a distance, and Shinobu reveals that they are skyships being made for the Fire Festival. As the Fire Festival mourns those who have died, preparations continue thanks to the recently acknowledged deaths of Komurasaki and Yasuie.
On the outskirts of the capital, Nami is relieved to see Bepo, Shachi, and Penguin freed from prison, claiming that they got away with luck. Bepo then gives Nami a secret message from the Kozuki family and she notices that Yasuie drew two lines on the snake to change the meaning for the prisoners. Nami decides to go tell Kin’emon and heads towards Amigasa Village. Bepo then recalls how he and his two crewmates were freed. Hawkins had them released after Law threatened to kill the three of them just to kill Hawkins, and Law was imprisoned in return. Hawkins released the lives of Bep, Shachi, and Penguin from his straw dolls, and Law told the three not to tell their allies about his capture. However, in the present, the Heart Pirates are very worried about their captain and decide to prioritize saving him over following the plan.
In Ebisu Town, Kanjuro takes Yasuie’s body to give him a memorial service at Kuri, and he, Nami, and Franky leave. Meanwhile, Usopp, Robin, and Brook are taking a boat to Kuri when they are stopped at the wharf for inspection. Usopp and Robin avoid detection by distorting their faces, and the guards want to let them pass quickly, fearing Brook’s presence. As they sail on, Robin takes the sleeping Toko from Brook to warm her up.
Meanwhile, Ashura Doji takes Kin’emon’s group to Kuri’s abandoned southwest port, where he shows them several boats that Kaidou damaged during the first attack on Onigashi. He says they should have thousands of fighters, and Kin’emon and Inuarashi are ecstatic about Franky’s earlier plans to fix them.
On Onigashima, the Beast Pirates race to make candy for Big Mom, frantically rushing back and forth when she’s at a fast pace. The King, Queen, and Jack watch her as she does so, and the Queen expresses her anger at King for his lack of thoroughness in attacking the Big Mom Pirates at Wano. In turn, Jack wonders why Queen brought her here, and Queen justifies it by revealing that communications in Udon have been cut. Big Mom then tells King that she will forgive him for attacking her if he joins her crew, as there are currently three races missing from Totto Land’s population and he is a member of one of them. The King refuses and Big Mom asks to remove her chains, which the Queen angrily refuses. However, Kaido then arrives and orders Big Mom to be released as she confronts her former crewmate for the first time in many years. Kaidou’s subordinates try to find a way out of his command, but he confirms what he said and removes Big Mom’s chains. Big Mom then activates Napoleon’s sword form when Napoleon is reacquainted with her, and she and Kaido engage in a clash so powerful that it splits the heavens above the island. Everyone else is in complete shock and horror, with many of them believing they need to flee Onigashima.