Don Krieg is surprised to learn that Zeff is alive. Don Krieg, knowing that Zeff is an infamous former pirate who made it safely to and from the Grand Line, asks about the journal Zeff kept while traveling. When Zeff refuses to hand over the journal, Don Krieg announces his intention to steal the journal along with the ship. Baratia’s chefs shout that they are ready to protect their restaurant, while Luffy challenges Don Krieg to a fight after exclaiming that he will become the Pirate King. An angry Don Krieg takes the food back to his subordinates and gives the Baratie Chefs and Slam Hats an ultimatum: either surrender the ship along with Zeff’s journal, or be killed by him upon his return. After Don Krieg leaves, Gin reveals that Hawk-Eye is responsible for decimating Krieg’s fleet. Zoro shows a shocked expression when he hears this.
Don Krieg is surprised to learn that Zeff is alive. Zeff nonchalantly replies to Don Krieg that it has nothing to do with him, dead or alive, and that he now makes a living as a cook. Krieg is amused and comments that from his point of view, Zeff doesn’t live as a chef by choice, but because it’s the only thing he can do. Zeff is angry but doesn’t say a word.
Krieg then goes on to tell the story of Red Leg Zeff, a once infamous pirate who refused to use his hands in battle because he was a master at kicking. His devastating kicks could crush bedrock and leave a clear imprint on steel. He was both chef and captain of his own crew, and earned his nickname, Redfoot, by staining his feet in the blood of his enemies after battle. Zeff was rumored to have died in a shipwreck. Krieg deduces that Zeff only managed to survive the wreck by sacrificing his leg. Krieg therefore concludes that Zeff is no longer fit to fight, forcing him to retire as a pirate and become Baratia’s chef instead. Sanji is visibly shocked after hearing the story, but Zeff acts nonchalant, saying that he still has hands that allow him to cook.
Zeff asks what Krieg’s point is, and Krieg replies that since Zeff once traveled to the Grand Line and returned safely, he must have a record of that trip and that he wants it for his future travels. Luffy shows excitement when he hears about Chef’s trip to the Grand Line. Zeff confidently confirms that he does indeed have the log, but refuses to hand it over, considering it a memento of his former life.
A frustrated Krieg states that he will then have to take the log from Zeff by force. Krieg acknowledges that he returned from the Great Line defeated, but claims that this is only due to a lack of information. After saying this, Krieg again declares that he will steal Zeff’s journal along with Baratie. This angers Chef Baratia and he declares that he will not allow Krieg to take their home from them. The cooks advance towards Krieg, but his attacks push them back. Krieg laughs and claims that once he gets Zeff’s journal, he will rebuild his pirate fleet and then find One Piece to become the greatest pirate of his era. This prompts Luffy to stand up and challenge Krieg, alarming the Baratie Chefs. Luffy states that he will become the Pirate King. Sitting next to Usopp at the table, Zoro casually asks Luffy if he needs help. Luffy says there is no need as he can handle it himself. Krieg laughs at Luffy’s small crew and tells Luffy to stop messing around. Krieg tells Luffy that even with his fleet, 50 ships with over 5,000 crews were destroyed in a week, which Krieg still claims is due to lack of information. This intrigues Zoro, but terrifies Usopp.
When Krieg demands food for his crewmates, which the Baratia cooks clearly refuse, weakened by past experience and combat, Zeff delivers the food to Krieg’s crew. Krieg then leaves the restaurant to feed his starving crew and gives everyone an ultimatum – either hand over Zeff’s journal and the ship to Baratia or they all die. Claiming ignorance, Gin apologizes to Sanji, but Zeff dismisses the need for an apology. The Barati chefs accuse Zeff of siding with Sanji, a man they claim is trying to destroy the restaurant. The chef shuts them up and justifies Sanji’s actions by asking if any of the staff have ever experienced starvation. After the situation is under control, the ultimatum leaves the chefs in a dilemma: either fight or run. In the end, they decide to protect Baratia because it is the only place where they all feel accepted. Meanwhile, Gin tries to discourage the opposition. Sanji explains to Gino that even if he feeds everyone who is hungry, Baratia’s enemies are already full, so he won’t hesitate.
Sitting next to Usopp and Zoro, Luffy asks if his colleagues also approve of Sanji, but Usopp is solely terrified of the impending attack. After Luffy questions Gin about his knowledge of the Great Line, Gin tells them about the fury of the ocean, especially after the crew was almost wiped out by just one man. This revelation causes an uproar in the restaurant. Additionally, when Gin reveals that the one responsible for his crew’s demise is Dracule Mihawk, Zoro looks worried.