Grateful to Luffy for defeating Morgan and freeing them from his tyranny, Morgan’s marines allow Luffy and Zoro to leave peacefully. However, Koby does not accompany them, causing the soldiers to question whether or not he is one of them. To prove that Koby is not their friend, Luffy provokes him until he punches him; then he is allowed to stay. After the pirates leave, Koby asks to join the marines and is allowed inside. Koby and the marines greet Luffy and Zoro as they head out.
Long summary
Morgan was defeated; however, the Marines who work for him would rather celebrate than worry about losing him. Zoro eventually collapses due to exhaustion.
Back at Rika’s house, Zoro is eating after nine days without food. Zoro asks Luffy what his plans are. Luffy says he wants to go to the Grand Line to find One Piece. Zoro asks why Koby is afraid if he doesn’t go with them. He replies that it’s because they’re friends. Zoro reveals to Koby that his past with Alvida makes it difficult to join the Marines because of his connection to pirates.
Just then, marines enter the building and want to know if Luffy and Zoro are pirates. After the pair confirm that they are, they are told that as pirates, the marines are grateful for their help, but they cannot stay in the city and must leave; however, the Marine Corps will not report the entire event to Marine Corps Headquarters. Luffy and Zoro thank Riko’s mother for the food.
Koby is left standing there alone and the marines ask if he is with the pirates. Koby claims the opposite. When Luffy is asked if he knows Koby, Luffy goes on about how Koby used to be with Alvida. Angry that Luffy is telling the marines what he doesn’t want them to know, he punches him. Everyone watches in amazement and Luffy starts beating Koby up for hitting him. After the marines stop Luffy from fighting, Koby declares that he is not with the pirates. Luffy and Zoro are ordered to leave.
Lying on the ground, Koby gathers his nerve and declares that he wants to join the Marines, even if it’s just for chores. Marine in charge of the scene asks Koby if he really wants to join, Marine acknowledges his past with pirates and agrees that Koby can join.
At the edge of town, Zoro and Luffy leave. Koby suddenly catches their attention. Koby greets the pirates; they suddenly realize that the other marines are also saluting them. As the two depart in a small boat, the Marine in charge declares that they have violated the Marine Corps Code of Conduct and must now go without food for a week, but not before commenting to Koby about how he has a good friend in Luffy.