Usopp can no longer move to protect Kaya, but he hasn’t lost his will. Zoro eventually defeats Buchi and brings Usopp onto his back so they can catch up with Kaya and the kids before Jango does. Kuro tries to stop them, but when Luffy gets in his way, they start fighting. Meanwhile, Jango found where the refugees were hidden.
Piiman asks the other Usopp Pirates to look back to see if Jango is following them as they escort Kaya through the forest. Just when they think they are safe, Jang’s ring flies through the trees in their direction, barely missing them but chopping every tree it passes through. Jango tells them that he is ready to destroy the entire forest to find them.
The echo of Jang chasing the others can be heard on the shore. Kuro tells Usopp that he has no feelings for Miss Kaya, and if he happens to survive, he could thank her for being a part of his plan. As Usopp takes a break to help Miss Kaye and the others, Buchi tries to interfere again, but Zoro blocks again, this time wasting no time with him. When Usopp takes another break, he falls to the ground too weak to continue as Kuro laughs at his efforts. Usopp knows he can’t win, but he’s ready to fight anyway.
Buchi tosses Zoro aside again. The other Black Cat Pirates taunt Usopp and have a boulder thrown at them by Luffy. Zoro loses his temper with Buchi and ends up attacking him. With Buchi out of the way, Zoro takes Usopp and goes after Kaya and the others. Kuro tries to stop Zoro and Usopp from leaving, but Luffy sees to it that they can leave. Unfortunately, Kuro dodges the attack. Kuro then strikes back at Luffy, who strikes back at him. Kuro now only focuses on Luffy. Kuro asks Luffy why he is fighting for the village as an outsider. Luffy tells him that there is someone in the village that he won’t let die.
Zoro’s poor sense of direction in the forest hinders his efforts to find Kaya, even with Usopp’s help. Elsewhere in the forest, Kaya begins to feel the peak of her illness as running around brings her a fever. Usopp’s pirates urge her, but she asks them to leave, which they refuse. Jango finally catches up with them.